Saturday, March 20, 2010

CAMP @ Sarimbun.

So im back from this 3day2night camp @ Sarimbun. First day we went to school wearing PE and Trackpants, kinda xiasuay. After that assembled in Hall for a spot check and briefing. Didn't bring handphone, sian. After we had our briefing, headed into Bus and went to Sarimbun Camp. Sarimbun Camp was damn ulu lah, keep turning into the forest just to get there. Once we alighted, everyone went to the assembling area which was a land of grass and soil. The instructors were asking us to sit but we were reluctant as u know the soil and grass sucks right, we didn't want to dirty our attire. But who cares this is camp life, so we either squat or sit, no choice. Talk here talk there, girls went to their Dorm first then the boys. Our dorm sucks lah, one triangular hut inside fit 10 people, but our group 8 people only! We had 2 double decker beds, me and Yiming slept on top, the 6 more people slept below. Soon, had some icebreaker games, then lunch. The food sucks btw, all macham shit! The drinks are all so diluted, no taste at all. Then, we had our High Elements, includes : Flying Fox, Abseiling, and the very high elements situated beside the Flying Fox and Abseiling stations. There were not enough time for the whole team to do FlyingFox, so some had to sacrifice to go for the Abseiling. Of course i went for abseiling cause i tried Flying Fox before. Had fun, then we went to the very high elements, i went up to a dangling log in the air and walk pass it very fast. Some had difficulties as they are afraid of heights, but u will never fall from there. After that we went for dinner, then headed to a round seating place. All the classes were sitting there as we had a Night Walk activity! 3A ,3B ,3C, were all sitted at the far end so we had to wait. In total we waited for 2 Hours including the briefing that our instructor gave us. Finally its our turn! I was the leading man in the team, of course lah! Then followed by TQ and the rest behind me. After they wrote markings we went in. Many instructors were hiding inside the forests or bushes but none of us got scared. Once we walked out, we went for our shower, then Supper and sleep.

Second day, we woke up at around 6 30, we had to assemble in the same place yesterday so we quickly took our Daypacks and meet. After that we had our breakfast, and went to the R.A.T ( Race Against Time ) elements. It requires team work so all of us went to support each other. Then, we had our Milo Pond! The Instructor briefed us and off we went for it, i was first again. Went i slide into it, the smell of the pond stinks. I went up drenched in water mixed with mud. Many of them were clapping and cheering. After that we went to Kayak, had sunburn. Then Rafting @ Milo pond. After the water activites, we went to had a rinse @ Toilet. After that we quickly assembled and had our Sarimbun Camp Challenge. We were split into two teams in each class, then we were supposed to complete all stages which requires the Team work, Respect, Trust values. We did our Cheer Prep @ our instructor's stage and forget all about the challenge. We cheered until our throats were all sored. Had dinner and headed to our Camp Fire Pit. We sat around the steps and then everyone came. We had some cheers and dance. I was nominated Most Macho guys in class so i had to go down and dance blindfolded. I was like fooling around downstairs and one guy was the best dancer, he danced until freaking funny, Ari whispered to me and said ' Walao! This guy comfirm everyday go disco sia!' and i was laughing away. After that Mr Cheok, level manager declared Camp Fire down, and all of us were BOO-ing at it. After that he allowed the dancefloor to be opened to everyone for awhile. Everyone jumped down and dance to the beat. After that we had our shower and sleep.

Third day, we woke up especially early at 5 30. We had to assemble with our backs packed at 6 30. So we packed everything and headed down to assemble. After putting our backs, we went to have our Breakfast. After breakfast, there were Prize Giving to best class and best campers. Best class is 3D, best Camper girl Nicole, and best Camper guy Praveen. After that we headed down to Marina Barage for our learning journey, see the exhibitions and back to school @ 12 30. Then, we had lunch @ Macdonald's and we went back home!

Our class Camp Instructors is : Fatin and Azahar, and i wanna say many thanks to them!