Wednesday, April 7, 2010

2.4km :O

Today we had our English and Physics lesson then next PE. Everyone was hoping that it was 5stations but in the end Jack Ho say 2.4km, everyone jitao sian. Did one round of warmup then did stretching. After that had 2.4km, 7 and 3/4 rounds of hockey pitch. Actually we wanted to cheat take 2icecream stick at one time but then the person we dont know dhe so forget it. So we ran and i was 5th or 6th position, 12min 35seconds, fastest is 10min 18seconds. After that had Maths, Mr Cheok not around so we did the worksheet and played Poker. Next had SocialStudies, MsChong. F-ing boring lah hor, whole lesson at there talk crap with people. Had CCA and went home. Byebyes!