Speaking of exams, SA1 has started. Yesterday was Chinese Paper 1 and 2. Actually it was quite okay, only too many passages to read -.- , which i hate to read. Today had English Paper 1 and 2, did an argumentative question for Paper1 which most didn't chose and Paper2 was quite okay. Tomorrow is Social Studies, and i hate to memorize mindmaps/paragraphs. But for results, i don't mind. Just finished studying Social Studies, and next week have a 1 week break till the following week continue exams. I don't understand why they don't squeeze it into 2weeks? I want to end this quick and play all i want!
I am selected for the Taiwan trip, and im happy and also sad. Happy cause its gonna be fun and sad cause someone didn't get selected ): I wished her appeal pass, hopefully i can see her there. Okays goodluck everyone for tmrw SS, bye!